
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy 2nd Blog Birthday to me!

The first time, I celebrated my Blog Birthday was the one-year-old mark. And now, it has been two years!! Wow, just wow.

What I love most about blogging is the wonderful people I meet online with the same interest - films!!! Instead of me listing everyone, just check the Blogroll on the right hand side.

I do have to give a couple of shout-out to people I've met on Twitter who do *not* have a blog but deserves a special mention.

Cynthia - from Bollywhat to Facebook to Twitter, thanks for always being a wonderful friend to me :)

Kiran - thank you for always translating Telugu words for me and understanding my Allu Arjun obsession :)

BangaloreGal - I will go with you to India one day, thanks for thinking of me & being a sweetheart and of course for agreeing with my Allu Arjun madness :)

Heather - thanks for keeping me in check when I go overboard with my Allu Arjun fangirlness, glad I'm not the only one :)

Since I didn't get to celebrate Allu Arjun's birthday like I wanted to.....and since it's my Blog Birthday, I thought I would spice it up and celebrate my Blog Birthday...Bunny style :)

So...I special-ordered a cake, with Bunny's pic.

No kidding.

Since he was so freaking adorable, I couldn't cut his face.


Inside of the cake

I hope to blog much more

I cannot promise you I will stop blogging about my Telugu hottie :)


Sheetal said...

Sweet! Happy Blog Birthday, my friend:) Here's to many more posts x

red42 said...

Happy Birthday!!
Love the cake - looks fantastic, and I couldn't have cut his face either!
And thanks to you for being another Bunny fanatic - it's so nice to know that I'm not the only one, and that others share the same passion!
Love your blog - heres to many more years :)

cmleigh said...

Wow! Happy 2nd Blog Birthday to you. Hehehe I love the cake and I would not cut that face either. Thanks for the shout out. I enjoy our chats.

Liz C said...

This made my day! The photo of Bunny is great, AND the cake looks delicious. Happy Blog-birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy blog birthday, Nicki! You are one awesome fangirl!
Has it been just 2 yrs? I thought you were blogging much longer :)
Love the cake!! Now Bunny has to come & comment here ;))

Filmbuff said...

Happy 2nd Blog Birthday Nicki!

That cake looks awesome and I think this must be one of the cutest fan things Allu Arjun must have ever come across.

I wonder if this can be brought to allu aravind's attention some how?

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday! Thanks for the awesome posts you've been doing!

jjake said...

LOL I love it! You saved Bunny's face! Happy Blog Birthday!

Louella said...

All the best!
Superb cake :D

Anonymous said...

please post the cake for me hehe ;)

Dolce and Namak said...

Happy Blog Birthday, Nicki, and here's to much much Bunny fangirling in the future, after all you are the original Bunny fangirl :D

And now out with the story about the cake, there must be some funny story from the store where you got your cake, I'm dying to hear it :) Did they raise an eyebrow? Did they start laughing? Oh oh, better yet, did they recognize him?? Come on, spill!

Shona said...

i love the cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nicki!Your blog was one of the few I knew about when I joined twitter so followed you and through you got to know many lovely people.Thank you!Keep doing what you're doing. cute is the bunny #1 making the number 2...and why have you removed Bunny #2 from the cake, I am sure he would be delicious.

ajnabi said...

LOL You Arjun fangirl, you! That's awesome! Happy blog birthday, Nicki--your blog rocks and so do you!

Bollywood said...
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Anishok said...

You just put the hugest smile on my face with this post :) You and Bunny looks so cute! Congrats!

Nicki said...

Sheetal - thanks so much for everything and for being a great friend

red42 - I am glad to have met you, such a wonderful person to talk to and share the same passion (Bunny)

cmleigh - Isn't the top layer just too cute? I couldn't do it :)

Liz - I'm glad :) Bunny brightens up my day, any day. Thanks so much!

Kiran - Special thanks to you!!! You are an awesome person. Hmmm, if Bunny comments, no one will believe it's him :D

Filmbuff - Thank you!!! Aaaawww, that means a lot to me :) I don't know, do you think you could make it happen? Allu Aravind to see my crazy fangirlism for his son? :D

Sonia - Thanks!!! :)

jjake - Yes, I saved his face :) He's so adorable. Thanks so much!!!

Louella - Thanks so much :D

anonymous - cake's gone :P

Dolce and Namak - Hello, girlfriend!! How's it going?

Me, the original Bunny fangirl? Aaawww, you too kind. I think I just over-express it more, that's it :D

Okay, the story about the cake??? There isn't one. I just went to a local bakery. They were Italian. No questions, no weird looks, no busting out in a song/dance :D

Shona - Thanks soooo much!!!! :)

filmizest - :) Thanks. I'm glad you introduced yourself to me. You're one of the few who I adore on Twitter. Bunny sure is delicious ;P

ajnabi - Yes, crazy Allu Arjun fangirl. Thanks me!!! :)

TBF - Thanks so much for your kind words. I try to give my opinions on films, as a whole. You are the best.

Anishok - I'm glad :) The next time I take a pic, I hope it's with the real Bunny like that :D

Filmbuff said...

Nicki - A suggestion. You could perhaps post this post's url

on twitter to Allu Sirish who I think is Allu Arjun's brother.

That way I am sure Allu Arjun will know that one if his best fans in the world is spreading the message about his looks, acting, dancing etc

dunkdaft said...

oye hoye !!
cake with Allu!!
wah... suchha fan girl you are.

happy birthday to your blog.. cheers for years to come.

MinaiMinai said...

Dude, where HAVE I been? OMG the cake!!! That is fantastic, you are so hilarious!! Wow, cake pic looks awesome- you got some skilled cake makers there! It's waaay better than that lame cake people made Bunny for whatever event that was recently, hehe. :) Happy 2nd Blog Birthday you cool chickie you. :)

bollywooddeewana said...

Happy 2ND Birthday Nicki, here's to many more happy blogging years. You surely don't play do you, Allu Arjun must be smiling somewhere, so what did you do with the face since you were afraid to cut it Lol Plus that's one hell of a yummy cake

Nicki said...

Filmbuff - then all my Blogger buddies must unite together and tweet Sirish then :)

Darshit - Yes, I'm a die-hard, obsess, paagal fangirl :D

Minai - yes, where have you been?????? ;P

Yes, you like my cake a lot? I sure do :D Thanks so much. Really enjoy chatting with you ;P

bollywooddeewana - Thanks so much! Yes, I'm serious when it comes to Allu Arjun. I hope he's smiling. Actually, I hope he is even looking at this post! :D

The face? Well, I ate around his face. I couldn't eat his I let my kids eat it, haha :D Yes, it was a yummy cake

bollyviewer said...

Happy belated blogthday!!! Its always such fun coming here. I love how your love for Indian films embraces all the Indian film industries and has introduced me to films and actors that I would otherwise never hear about. :)

While reading your post, I was wondering how you could bear to cut your favorite's face - then I saw what you did. :D Here's hoping there will be more such cakes in the future!

PS: What do your children think about AA and your partiality for him? ;-)

Shweta Mehrotra Gahlawat said...

A bealted happy birthday to your blog my friend! The cake, and u look super! Many more happy blog yrs to u!

Nicki said...

bollyviewer - thanks so much!! I appreciate your kind words. You're an expert in Bollywood oldies and that's useful information for me :)

You were one of the few who welcomed me when I first blogged. Thank you so much for being a friend.

Hahaha, last summer I didn't watch that many Indian films. My son asked me, "do you still like that Bunny dude?" It was hilarious, yet cute!

Shweta - Thanks so much!!! I think Bunny makes me look good in the pic :)

Cardamom Kisses said...

Huge belated congrats, Nicki & the blog! ♥ The cake looks delicious in every way possible; what an amazing idea and how beautiful it turned out!! You're fantastic Nicki :)

The comments here made me laugh too, haha :) Wonderful!

Nicki said...

Thanks Maya Magdalena!!! I love trying to be innovative ;P Now, I think it must be a tradition, hehehe :D

Yes, the comments were great!

Mansi Sharma said...

Thanxs for this post love to come back again